
2020 was a celebratory year at Freedom Village of Canada and we would like to thank you! because of your contributions, our ministry has been able to support the work of Jesus Christ across Ontario.
You had a direct impact between your 2020 gift giving and the families we assisted. Here are just some miracles you accomplished in 2020!
- GMB team hosted a successful golf tournament which raised over $12,000 for Freedom Village of Canada and was used by the ministry to assist in school tuition, counseling care and summer camps.
- four grade 12 students graduated from Christian school with above average grades. Three of the newly graduated students recieved fulltime employment and the other miracle is attending Bible College.
- First time ever in Freedom Village of Canada’s history we supported summer day camps for the entire family to participate in.
- First time in Freedom Village of Canada’s history we hosted a zoom Christmas Concert which had 80+ attendees plus phone-ins and multiple guests watching from one location.
- A young 17 year old girl from Welland Ontario decided to keep her unborn child instead of having an abortion after working with our counselor. She had the baby just over 2 months ago. A Christian family adopted the child after birth. The baby’s life was saved!
2021 will be another amazing year with God’s blessing on our ministry and the works we are doing! Freedom Village of Canada will need your continued support and prayers to make more miracles and give not only a youth a second chance but the whole family God’s promise to them… eternal life!