Dr. George began his career and professional life as a High School Teacher, Coach, and Counsellor. He has dedicated his life to helping teens and their families reach their full potential in life.
Dr. George has spent most of his time helping families realize their gifts and talents in creating a healthy Christian family atmosphere.
Dr. George and his wife Marian (of soon to be 60yrs. of marriage) have 3 children and 5 grandchildren, all engaged in and committed to helping people live a full and successful life.
Dr. George and Marian have split their busy and productive life between their homes in Stouffville Ontario and Lehigh Acres Florida.
Because they have developed a very successful Network Marketing business they have the opportunity to travel the world and help people create and developed family based businesses.
Fotios Filtsos, was born in Toronto and raised by Greek immigrant parents. Fotios is so grateful that he grew up with great family values.
He was raised Greek Orthodox, but is thankful through meeting a mentor who is a Christian businessman, Fotios came to know a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in his late 20’s and has been sharing his story of his salvation to others ever since.
He has a background in service industry and worked in restaurants for many years, and then owned one himself. He has always been driven by serving and leading others to help them understand they are meant to live a life of purpose and significance.
According to his mentor, who has been in the counseling and mentorship capacity for over 50 years, Fotios has been exposed to and participated in helping people in service for more than 30 years, which he believes has earned Fotios the equivalence of a post graduate degree in Human Relations and Leadership.
Fotios is now an owner of 2 successful business ventures, and has been married to his wife Christina for 20 years. Since they were not able to have children of their own, Fotios and Christina have put their main focus on helping people, families and the youth to help them discover their greatness within and fulfill their God given purpose, and in turn they see this as what God has called them to do in their journey and legacy in life.
Rob Kinch is an entrepreneur with several business ventures. After spending many years in corporate North America, he ventured out on his own in 2011 to do revenue growth consulting. He brings this expertise to the freedom village as we venture out to reach more families in Canada.
Rob and his his wife were introduced to Freedom Village through a business mentor that led him to Christ. The stories of Christ’s impact on the kids made him realize that he must do more that just support the cause. After seeing his son bullied in high school, he and his wife Anna-Lisa knew that unconditional love and the family working together was that only answer. He is proud to be part of the Freedom Village family.
Barbara and her husband Frank (who graduated to be with the Lord several years ago) have been ardent supporters of Freedom Village for many years. Barb’s heart has always been fully and actively committed to helping young people to walk with the Lord and become productive individuals and citizens.
Barb is a very successful entrepreneur and restaurant owner. Barb has used her success as an opportunity to mentor and train people in business while providing them with a chance of earning a decent income. Many teens have benefitted from Barb’s guidance and influence by being offered a rare opportunity of training and Christian influence in a business atmosphere.
To know Barbara Smith is to experience a warm, giving, and loving Christian Business woman in action.
Keara Gallant has been with Freedom Village of Canada since 1999. She is the executive director and works directly with the children and their families.
She first heard Freedom Village of Canada on the radio, while in her kitchen cooking dinner, stopped everything to listen. That night she prayed to God and asked for a door to open where I can help this powerful life changing ministry.The very next day, she reached out and the rest is history.
Keara leads the team working directly with supporters and families. Ensuring their teens and families get the support they need and feel the true love of God in their lives.
She thanks God everyday for using her. Once a house wife cooking lasagna, and now a women leader with passion and a mission to serve Him.
You can reach Keara at:
(905) 634-5558 Ext.1
Rebecca has a degree in engineering and it was a job opportunity that brought her from her birth place of England, to Canada some 14 years ago. However, God had different plans for her and her family ! Her loving and kind spirit and unconditional commitment to everything she does, made her perfect match for Freedom Village of Canada.
Her responsibilities at Freedom Village are to ensure the families and sponsors are kept up to date managing communications. She is also integral in getting the families the help they need.
Rebecca’s love of God and her incredible heart make her a true gift to freedom Village of Canada!
You can reach Rebecca at:
(905) 634-5558 Ext.2
For the 10 years leading up to his ordination in November 2004 by Christian Spiritual Ministries Inc., Rev. Stoddard volunteered as a Sunday school teacher, attended ministerial training and apprenticed to Toronto and Burlington service leaders. Once ordained, he was assigned to Co-Pastor the Burlington church and lead the Sunday evening worship in Toronto. He continues this service to the Christian Spiritual Ministries congregation, and also was elected to the Board of Directors as General Secretary and appointed to use his formidable teaching experience in educational and online programming.
Rev. Stoddard’s B.A.Sc. (University of Toronto; Aerospace, Engineering Science) and over 30 years of experience in education specialising in science have led to a Researcher position in Science Content and Design at the Ontario Science Centre. He researches and develops science museum exhibits and exhibitions, and often shares on science topics to audiences of all ages: live; on television, radio and online broadcasts; and guest starring in children’s programing. In April 2019, Rev. Stoddard appeared across several Canadian news outlets explaining black holes.
“Science is man’s pursuit to estimate the wonderful works of God while here on Earth. As we learn of His Works it should drive us deeper into His Word, with humble gratitude for His Love.”
As mom of three kids, successful young adults today, Anna-Lisa has gone through what many of our parents are going through right now. It was during that period and through her own personal struggle with hyper-thyoidism, that she went on a quest to improve her health and that of the family, specifically her teenage son that suffered from anxiety.
Here’s what she found. The main contributor to the poor behaviour and challenging mental issues with our youth is completely connected to the food we eat, our sleep patterns, and our daily activity.
My practice has a comprehensive focus on mental heath, marriage couple and family therapy and family mediation. Having been trained in a hospital setting, I work effectively with depression, anxiety disorders, addictions and most mental health disorders. In addition, I have a comprehensive focus on marriage, couples and family therapy focusing on couples experiencing a high level of marital conflict, relationship breakdown or who want to improve the quality of their relationship. Restoring healthy relationships and supporting healthy family systems is one of my core passions!